Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
Introduction + History Announcements + Updates Alphabetical Index Chronological Index Geographical Index Topical Index + Cases + Types + Victims + Society + Research Resources + Research |
Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Interracial Sexual Abuse:
Types: Sexual Assault: [Site] A m e r i c a n H i s t o r y [Site] Brazilian History
[Site] Canadian History
[Info] Palmater, Pamela. »Shining Light on the Dark Places: Addressing Police Racism and Sexualized Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls in the National Inquiry.« Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 28 (2016): 253-284. [Site] U.S. History
[Info] Devaney, Leah. The Rape of Okinawa: Sexual Violence and Popular Protest in the Shadow of the US Military. M.A. Thesis, Utrecht University, 2018. [Info] Feinstein, Rachel. »Sexual Violence and Intersectionality: The Rape of Black Women by White Men.« 108th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. New York 2013. [Info] Feinstein, Rachel. »Sexual Violence and the Rape of Black Women from Slavery to Present-day.« 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2013. [Info] Motomura, Sara. Narrating rapes in Okinawa: An analysis of the New York Times and the Washington Post's coverage of the rape crimes in Okinawa committed by U.S. soldiers. M.A. Thesis, California State University, 2009. [Info] Rezni?áková, Lýdia. “Maze of Injustice”: Interracial Rape in Louise Erdrich’s The Round House. Master Thesis, Masarykovy univerzity, 2016. [Site] A s i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Japanese History [Info] Devaney, Leah. The Rape of Okinawa: Sexual Violence and Popular Protest in the Shadow of the US Military. M.A. Thesis, Utrecht University, 2018. [Info] Motomura, Sara. Narrating rapes in Okinawa: An analysis of the New York Times and the Washington Post's coverage of the rape crimes in Okinawa committed by U.S. soldiers. M.A. Thesis, California State University, 2009. [Site] E u r o p e a n H i s t o r y [Site] English History
[Site] O c e a n i a n H i s t o r y [Site] Australian History